This week we started taking tests.
Don't forget to study for the tests following the suggested steps:
1st. Consolidation Worksheet - Part 1 -Verb TO BE
2nd. Consolidation Worksheet - Part 2- Vocabulary
3rd. Blog - All posts related to the verb TO BE - affirmative, negative , interrogative, contracted forms, Yes, No questions/short answers, Wh questions/complete answers.
4th. Blog - All posts reviewing Vocabulary: Identity (name, surname), Age, Countries and Nationalities, Favourite Things /Activities and Favourite people ( footballer(s), singer(s), band(s), etc...), Colours, Cardinal Numbers 1 to 20 , School Materials, Days of the week; Months of the Year, Greetings.

Give yourself a CHANCE!
See you soon and...

PS: You need some colour pencils for your tests.