How are you?
Fine, I hope.
I'm not that good! I'm still walking on crutches...ðŸ˜
In fact, I'm looking forward to going back to school and seeing you again.
Unfortunately, I won't be back before the end of January.
Until then, let me give you some advice:
1. Visit the blog and do some exercises - Verb TO BE
2. Go down the page until you find the selected item - LABELS
3. Choose "Vocabulary exercises","Grammar Exercises ", " Games"
or "Have got - worksheets" and try to practise your lexis /grammar.
Don't forget to have a look at the "HAVE GOT" popplet!
4. "Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today"
(This proverb means: If you have to do something, you had better do it immediately,
even if it is something you do not like. )
5. You may say I'm boring.
I'm not. Believe me when I tell you it's for your own good I'm saying this.